Student Reactions to the C.R.E.A.T.E. Strategy

Student reactions from post-course interviews (CCNY) or anonymous post-course surveys from campuses where C.R.E.A.T.E. courses were taught by faculty trained in C.R.E.A.T.E Faculty Development Workshops held in NYC in 2007).

“In this class you were able to creatively think about science.” (ROWAN UNIVERSITY)

“Involved more thinking than any other course I have taken.” (COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY)

“This class was a really great experience….one of the most valuable experiences of my undergraduate career.” (HOBART AND WILLIAM SMITH COLLEGES)

”This class….has definitely opened up my understanding of how science works.(MONTCLAIR STATE UNIVERSITY)

“There were no Powerpoint slides; you had to do all the preparations on your own; the

preparations actually helped review all the past 4 years of Bio that I did. “ (CITY COLLEGE OF NEW YORK)

“…although  we had no lab sections it felt more practical than most science classes as we were able to come up with ideas for our own new experiments.” (BARD COLLEGE)

“This class was AWESOME!! The methods …. helped me to learn so much more” (ROWAN UNIVERSITY )

I really feel I learned more important skills from this course than from any other Bio course I have taken.” (HOBART AND WILLIAM SMITH COLLEGES)

I really liked the spontaneous conversations that would happen even outside of class because of the material we learned. “ (COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY)

“I learned you can have your own ideas….and take your hypothesis and put it to the test”(CITY COLLEGE OF NEW YORK)

“This class sparked a keen interest in Neurology that I never knew I had.” (ROWAN UNIVERSITY)

“Actually this course drove me in the direction of science, like to be more involved in research.” (CITY COLLEGE OF NEW YORK )

“ I learned a lot…about research in a way that cannot happen in a lecture or even working in a lab as an undergraduate, since we got to understand the bigger picture of the research as it progressed through time” (COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY)

For extended excerpts from post-course interviews with CCNY students, see Hoskins et al., 2007 tables 1 and S1