



Each of the papers will be used in College Physics (MCC course PHYS 201). It is a algebra-trig based introductory physics course. 4 credit hours, 6 contact. It is an integrated lecture/lab. That is, while it is a lab course, there is no separate time for the lab meeting. We meet twice a week, 3 hours per meeting.


I chose these articles for several reasons. Chiefly, I needed to supplement my current model of teaching in the area of thermodynamics. I currently use the Workshop Physics model for my intro physics course. However, the materials that I have do not include thermodynamics. Previously, I had been reverting back to a lecture-type style for thermo. CREATE has given me the tools to develop a student-centered curriculum on my own. So, I chose to develop a curriculum in the area that I currently am lacking in materials. Secondarily, these articles seemed to be at a level that my students (who are mainly in pre-medical sciences) can more easily handle (I hope). Also, they sufficiently covered the content required.

Applicable for Courses:

College Physics

Educational Level:

Lower-mid level

Roadmap Objectives:

    • Article: Measurement of thermal expansion coefficient, Trumper and Gelbman.
    • Content area/major concepts: coefficient of linear expansion, heat transfer, thermal expansion
    • Methods or technology used to obtain data: Paper describes a method for measuring the thermal expansion of a metal wire. The measurement is used to find the coefficient of linear expansion. The theory is linear expansion
    • How the CREATE strategy was used:
    • Biggest teaching challenge:
    • Article: Uncertainty analysis for a simple thermal expansion experiment. Dounas-Frazer, Gandhi, and Iwata
    • Content area/major concepts: limits of assumptions. (Physics often makes assumptions to find an answer that is reasonable more easily. For example, a “massless” rope, or a “perfectly rigid lever” i.e., the lever will not ever bend. This leads to the Spherical Chicken Joke)
    • Methods or technology used to obtain data: Paper describes sources of measurement error for the method used in paper 1
    • How the CREATE strategy was used:
    • Biggest teaching challenge:
    • Article: Revisiting Black’s experiments on the latent heats of water. Guemez, Fiolhais, Fiolhais.
    • Content area/major concepts: latent energy, heat of fusion, heat of vaporization, specific heat capacity, calorimetry, heat transfer, energy conservation, the calorie unit of energy, Newton’s Law of Cooling.
    • Methods or technology used to obtain data: Paper describes the methods originally used by Black when he found the latent energies of condensation and fusion of water. The paper describes Black’s experiment and gives a way of replicating that experiment with modern equipment. The theories covered are energy needed for the change in temperature of a solid and needed for the change of state.
    • How the CREATE strategy was used:
    • Biggest teaching challenge: I would like to do the heat of fusion lab described in the paper. That would be an easy lab to do, but will cut into class time. Also, this is a new method for me and I expect that I will have difficulties applying it.
    • Article: Condensation, atmospheric motion, and cold beer. Durran and Frierson.
    • Content area/major concepts: P-V work, enthalpy, convection, adiabatic process, humidity and relative humidity, evaporative cooling, condensative warming, radiative cooling.
    • Methods or technology used to obtain data: Paper describes a method for finding the amount of heating that is due to the condensation of water on a cold can of water. The theory given uses the latent heat of condensation to find the temperature change of the water.
    • How the CREATE strategy was used:
    • Biggest teaching challenge:

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